

MotionMonitor? 소프트웨어


Motion Monitor


모션캡쳐 데이터 처리
  • EMG신호 처리
  • 보행분석
  • 신경과학 및 재활
  • 생체연구
  • 제품특징(Features)

    The most advanced data acquisition, analysis and visualization system in the market

    place ?provides measurement of human motion.

    ● The MotionMonitor? is a turn-key 3-D motion capture system designed to synchronously collect data?

    ? ? from kinematic tracker,? EMG, force plates, video, event markers and other analog devices.

    ● Data generated from a rich colletion of analytical tools are immediately available for playback with graphical

    ? ?displays of all data? output.

    ● Stunning 3-D computer-rendered animations of the subject can be the human body's movement, muscle

    ? ? recruitment and? external forces acting on the body is achieved using the broadest range of hardware available

    ? ? in the market.


    ★ Analyze Data collected from any hardware using The MotionMonitor? C3D Model Builder:

    ? ??● Import data and construct models in 4 simple steps.

    ? ??● Use established marker sets, rigid bodies or combinations of both

    ? ??● Define virtual joint centers, landmarks & segment coodinate systems

    ? ??● Save model templates for faster setup

    ★ Subject set-up designed to meet your unique requirements

    ★ Powerful control of data collection

    ★ Immediate playback ensures accurate collection of data

    ★ Data Reduction features will speed analysis

    ★ Biofeedback for motor control, neuro research and rehabilitation

    ★ Additional features to enhance your productivity

    ★ Benefit from unparalleled commitment to post-sale support

